Le Mesturet Almanac - Tips from the Chef

Tip from the chef: Grapes

Article publié par Pascal Brot le 03/10/2011 à 17:17
Catégories : Tips from the Chef
Tags : grapes

During this period of wine fairs and harvests, we only think about grapes in wine bottles. So I must remind you, although you obviously already know, that the grape is also a fruit which can be eaten as it is. Fruit salads, tarts and desserts of all kinds are other uses for grapes, not to mention raisins, of course.

Tips from the Chef: Grill Cleaning Done Well

Article publié par Pascal Brot, the Chef le 19/08/2011 à 14:52
Catégories : Tips from the Chef
Tags : grill cleaning

Grill Cleaning Done Well Summer is the season for barbecues and other grills. Carefully following simple recipes and using good quality ingredients can give excellent results with this method of cooking. The problem, for the grill for example, can be the cleaning. So how do you properly clean this utensil?

Tips from the Chef: the salads of summer

Article publié par Pascal Brot, chef de cuisine le 08/06/2011 à 17:54
Catégories : Tips from the Chef
Tags : Tips from the Chef, salads of summer

This week, we will talk about the little things that can be done to give a summery feel to produce. Summer is the time of big salads, barbecues and sweet-smelling fruit with pits.

Tips from the Chef: How to choose a good melon

Article publié par Pascal Brot, chef de cuisine le 21/05/2011 à 11:20
Catégories : Tips from the Chef
Tags : Tips from the Chef, melon

We are slowly easing into the season of one of the most aromatic and delicate fruits – the melon. The dilemma of choosing the right melon is going to start in the markets because, as they say, you don’t know it’s good until it’s cut open but you buy it whole.

Tips from the Chef: combining ingredients in the kitchen

Article publié par Pascal Brot, chef de cuisine le 17/05/2011 à 15:32
Catégories : Tips from the Chef
Tags : Tips from the Chef, Food matching

For this first week, I’ve decided to tell you what might be considered a secret by certain chefs, but which is pretty much a work philosophy for me. I think it will help you to choose what foods and what accompaniments or wine to serve to your guests or friends. I think, actually, that the key word in cooking and entertaining, and so of being sure to please, is consistency.
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