Tips from the Chef: the salads of summer

Article publié par Pascal Brot, chef de cuisine le 08/06/2011 à 17:54
Catégories : Tips from the Chef
Tags : Tips from the Chef, salads of summer
This week, we will talk about the little things that can be done to give a summery feel to produce. Summer is the time of big salads, barbecues and sweet-smelling fruit with pits.
For the big salads, avoid starches. Instead, mix together sun-kissed vegetables typical of mid-summer -- like tomatoes, of course, but also melon, zucchinis, eggplants, peppers and dandelion leaves to name a few. When you're making a salad, remember to vary the oils and vinegars – that never fails to add originality to you dishes. You can use wine, spirit, cider, balsamic, sherry, honey, Banyuls, Reims (champagne), rice or malt vinegars.
That's not an exhaustive list and neither is this list of oils: peanut, sunflower, canola, corn, walnut, olive, grape seed, soy, hazelnut, pistachio, sesame and pine nut, for example.
To complete you salad seasonings, leave out table salt and pepper and use fleur de sel and freshly ground pepper instead. The only thing left is the fresh herbs to scatter over your entrée and right now everything’s available: basil, chives, tarragon, flat-leaved parsley, dill, mint, chervil, cilantro, lemon grass, oregano, etc. As you can see, the most difficult thing is to decide given the wide range of possibilities. Choose well, and until next week for tips on dishes and vegetables.
Have a good week and happy shopping.


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