Le Mesturet Almanac - The Mesturet Novel

The Mesturet Novel : The Life of Passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 27/10/2011 à 17:16
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : The Mesuret Novel

Chapter Two/The Construction/part 3 : On that day, the snow was falling heavily on the town. Pierre went down the stairs two at a time, quickly finding himself in the courtyard. It was the last week of school before the holidays. He rushed as fast as he could to the bus stop. Elodie was already waiting for him there. They had gotten into the habit of meeting every other week. Their conversations were always animated, but in spite of their closeness there was never the one move or sign that would have triggered the beginning of a romance.

The Mesturet Novel: The Life of Passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 14/09/2011 à 17:27
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : mesturet novel

A Life of Passions Chapter Two: The Construction, Part Two Pierre started school at the end of September. He had built it up into something of a “mountain”, but he quickly realised that everything was simple and easy and that his initial reticence had been out of proportion. By the end of the second day he was even enjoying taking the bus to Clermont-Ferrand. This enjoyment stemmed not only from wanting to go to school, but also, and perhaps mainly, from the presence of Elodie,...

The Mesturet Novel: The Life of Passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 02/09/2011 à 11:33
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : The Mesturet Novel

Chapter Two : The Construction / part 1: Within a few days, Pierre had gotten into the role of the model apprentice. His work wasn’t any more interesting but he had to learn and Charles had warned him that he would start at the bottom. The chores piled up, Pierre tackled them one after another with a certain amount of pleasure and a certain amount of surprise.

The Mesturet Novel: The Life of Passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 11/08/2011 à 15:34
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : The Mesturet Novel

Chapter One, the Awakening of the Senses, part 5: Jean had already known for several months. One evening in the winter of 1975, Charles rang the doorbell at Jean and Marie’s home. Marie opened the door and saw Charles, still as solidly built, still with his gentle smile. She remembered the evening of the summer of 1944 when she had run as fast as she could to bang on the door of Charles’ parents. It had been Charles that had answered as solidly built as today and with the same smile.

The Mesturet Novel : A Life of passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 20/07/2011 à 13:55
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : The Mesturet Novel

Chapter One, the Awakening of the Senses, part 4: The holidays passed very quickly with cultural visits, beaches, ice creams on terraces, night dances and night clubs. Still no summer romance for Pierre; he wasn’t really preoccupied with girls, he told himself he had lots of time. And anyway, if he had to act as stupid as the boys that hung around his sisters… it wasn’t for the good of the male gender. Most of his time at the beach was taken up with sports: a ball, a few pals and that was it. There was something more this year, though:

The Mesturet Novel : A Life of passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 15/06/2011 à 18:09
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : The Mesturet Novel

Chapter One, part 3: the Awakening of the Senses Pierre said it as if he'd said "I'm going to go get some bread". He'd put no effort into the words. His mother and father looked at him as if to say "He isn't ill, I hope?" His grandmother peered at him with a mischievous smile that said "I understand".

The Mesturet Novel : A Life of passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 21/05/2011 à 14:21
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : The Mesturet Novel

Chapter One / part 2: The Awakening of the Senses Of course he has to make a decision, but the path to take isn’t obvious to him… not at all. Making up his mind about the future isn’t the most important thing. Besides, he feels good at home, he’d like everything to stay the way it is. His mother would like to keep him too, her last, her final little one. “Her little darling” his four older sisters called him. Four girls before she had the boy she wanted so much. Each time it was a girl. She’d told her husband:

The Mesturet Novel : A Life of passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 17/05/2011 à 14:35
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : Novel

Chapter One/part 1: The Awakening of the Senses This match, Pierre wasn’t feeling it. Besides, on this Sunday in February 1975, he wasn’t feeling anything. He was having trouble concentrating on the game. Much to the annoyance Marc, the coach, he had gotten there after the time the bus was supposed to leave.
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