Be careful of overly-friendly farewells. Several years ago, a group of people were leaving the restaurant, delighted with their meal. I had noticed that one of the guests was pregnant, so, as they were leaving, I said to the lady in question in a composed voice:
Le Mesturet Almanac - anecdotes
Mesturet anecdotes: Be careful of overly-friendly farewells
Article publié par Alain Fontaine le 27/09/2011 à 15:46
Catégories : Mesturet Anecdotes
Tags : anecdotes
Mesturet Anecdotes: The History of the Rum Baba
Article publié par Pascal Brot, chef de cuisine le 17/05/2011 à 15:34
Catégories : Mesturet Anecdotes
Tags : anecdotes, Rum Baba