Le Mesturet Almanac - wine tip

Wine tip: Fixing a Wine Storage Mistake

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 30/07/2011 à 11:28
Catégories : About Wine
Tags : wine tip, wine storage

You’ve inadvertently stored a bottle of wine upright for several months. It’s highly likely that the cork will have dried out and shrunk. The wine is no longer in contact with the cork and the latter can only protect the wine when it is completely moist. To solve the problem, all you need to do is keep the bottle of wine...

Wine tip: Better wine tasting

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 28/07/2011 à 09:27
Catégories : About Wine
Tags : wine tip, wine tasting

The best time to taste a wine is between 10:30 in the morning and noon. In fact, this is the time of day when your sense of smell and taste are at their most sensitive. The day has barely begun, the taste buds have not yet been too much in demand. As for the nasal mucous membranes, they haven’t been overwhelmed by environmental odours or pollution...
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