Tips from the Chef: Grill Cleaning Done Well

Article publié par Pascal Brot, the Chef le 19/08/2011 à 14:52
Catégories : Tips from the Chef
Tags : grill cleaning
Grill Cleaning Done Well
Summer is the season for barbecues and other grills. Carefully following  simple recipes and using  good quality ingredients can give excellent results with this method of cooking. The problem, for the grill for example, can be the cleaning. So how do you properly clean this utensil?
Cast Iron Grills
After use, allow the grill to cool before washing with hot soapy water. Always lightly oil grills that have to be seasoned for use.
Laminated carbon steel grills (food-grade steel)
After you cook each item, scrape with a spatula towards the grease catch pan. For spring cleaning, use the scraper again, then, keeping it hot, pour on some water. After this, turn off the gas and when it’s cooled off, finish the cleaning with white vinegar, lightly oil the surface and cover the grill with a clean tea towel or your preferred covering.
Enamelled Steel or Chrome Steel Grills
After you cook each item, scrape with a spatula towards the grease catch pan. With the grill hot (immediately after turning off): turn off the gas, spread ice or water over the surface of the grill to create a thermal shock. Remove the residue with the help of a heat-resistant spatula made of Teflon, wood or plastic. Rinse the grill well and then wipe down.
With the grill cold or warm to the touch: gas off, apply a stove cleaner, let it sit at least fifteen minutes and as long as overnight, clean off with a heat-resistant spatula made of Teflon, wood or plastic. Rinse the grill well and then wipe down
Don’t forget that a clean grill is the best place to start for a quality dish. Good luck and I’m concocting a follow-up article with a few simple and tasty recipes for your grill.
See you soon.


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