Chef recipe: Summer Grill Recipes

Article publié par Pascal Brot, the Chef le 22/08/2011 à 15:25
Catégories : Chef's Recipes
Tags : Grill Recipes, Mussels, Pork Tenderloin, Roasted Figs with Olive Oil and Honey

Summer Grill Recipes

An appetizer: Grilled Mussels with Balsamic
Heat grill to high (300 °C). Mix together minced garlic and shallots and add the cleaned mussels. Toss onto the grill and move them about until the mussels open and the juices evaporate. Remove from grill and place in large bowl adding minced, fresh coriander (cilantro), balsamic vinegar and olive oil. A different way to eat this delicate and subtle mollusc.
A main course :  Spiced Pork Tenderloin
Cut pork tenderloin into 2cm slices. Marinate in olive oil, cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, Espelette chillis and fleur de sel (high quality, unrefined sea salt). Let sit for four hours, then cook two minutes each side on a very hot grill and then another two minutes on low. You can serve this dish with grilled eggplant or eggplant dip (aubergine with fromage frais and olive oil).
A Dessert: Roasted Figs with Olive Oil and Honey
Cut the fresh figs in half and put on the hot grill with a little olive oil. Sprinkle with cinnamon and honey, turn over and allow them to caramelize for two minutes. Serve with a scoop of your favourite ice cream.
These are only a few ideas – this method of cooking leaves you the free to create all sorts of combinations.
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