Le Mesturet Almanac - Our Thought Of the Day

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine le 20/09/2011 à 12:57
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

At the gates of hell or the edge of the abyss, man still retains some pride and dignity: this is the resilience of the soul. That is why, whatever our convictions, we must believe in the soul.

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 14/09/2011 à 16:21
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

A rant: on the Left, on the Right, in the Centre and at the extremes, corruption, shady deals, sex scandals, abuses of power, point-scoring…. Stop, please! Do you think for a moment that the people of France, in all their diversity and dignity, deserve these things? We have been walking free and tall for a long time now, because we willed it so. Today, you are...

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 09/09/2011 à 15:29
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

Rugby is a fine sport, challenging and convivial, which is played by two teams of fifteen players, face to face. Only one country cheats: New Zealand - their team is their population. Not easy to beat.

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine le 06/09/2011 à 14:31
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

A village without a school, without a post office, shops or a town hall isn’t a village that people leave, but rather a village where people are told to leave. Rural life could be a motor for growth! Why not?

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 05/09/2011 à 14:22
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : school, prison, Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo once said: "He who opens a school door, closes a prison". It seems today that we are closing many schools, with the result that tomorrow we will have to open more cells. It is possible to economise on many things, but never on learning, because it is the key to a prosperous future.

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 24/08/2011 à 14:16
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

Between intelligence and foolishness there is a line that is easy to cross: reason.

Our Thought of the Day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 23/08/2011 à 12:44
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

There is a supreme justice above that of man: the justice of the conscience -- definitive, eternal and omnipresent.

Our Thought of the Day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 19/08/2011 à 14:07
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

Why are popes often old and sick? Answer: Young and full of health, they'd be too trendy and would be listed in the stock market. A solution for the crisis, perhaps!

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 18/08/2011 à 09:32
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

When monetary values become more important that human values, it's the value of indifference and selfishness that soars.

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 04/08/2011 à 22:00
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

Anniversary today: August 4th, 1789: the abolition of feudal rights and privileges by the members of the French National Constituent Assembly August 4th, 2011: and if we make an inventory of the current privileges...
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