Le Mesturet Almanac

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 05/09/2011 à 14:22
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : school, prison, Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo once said: "He who opens a school door, closes a prison". It seems today that we are closing many schools, with the result that tomorrow we will have to open more cells. It is possible to economise on many things, but never on learning, because it is the key to a prosperous future.

Quotation of the day

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 05/09/2011 à 14:19
Catégories : Quotation of the day
Tags : forest, tree

Listen to the forest growing, rather than the tree falling. Friedrich Hegel

Mesturet Anecdotes: A short history of Cooking, Chapter 3

Article publié par Pascal Brot, the chef le 05/09/2011 à 14:12
Catégories : Mesturet Anecdotes
Tags : cooking, history

We left our story towards the end of the 8th century and we pick it up again around the 9th. The period of barbarian invasions is ending, and it is thanks to the church that cooking in France continues its evolution. The situation has become calm again, prominent families are venturing out of their houses and the church is beginning to open up to the outside world.

The Mesturet Novel: The Life of Passions

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 02/09/2011 à 11:33
Catégories : The Mesturet Novel
Tags : The Mesturet Novel

Chapter Two : The Construction / part 1: Within a few days, Pierre had gotten into the role of the model apprentice. His work wasn’t any more interesting but he had to learn and Charles had warned him that he would start at the bottom. The chores piled up, Pierre tackled them one after another with a certain amount of pleasure and a certain amount of surprise.

Le Mesturet's wine of the week: Domaine des Collines

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 25/08/2011 à 13:08
Catégories : About Wine
Tags : wine of the week, bordeaux supérieur, domaine des collines

Live with the Winegrower, Le Mesturet’s Wine of the Week This week we suggest you pay a visit to Véronique Mazières owner of Domaine des Collines. A magnificent Bordeaux Supérieur with aromas of underbrush and spices, a beautiful roundness in the mouth and silky tannins. A lovely aromatic finish.

Quotation of the Day

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 24/08/2011 à 14:17
Catégories : Quotation of the day
Tags : quotation of the day

Ordinary daily work, the simplicity of life, the everyday joys that weave themselves into the colour of the time that passes -- all that strangely resembles happiness.

Our thought of the day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 24/08/2011 à 14:16
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

Between intelligence and foolishness there is a line that is easy to cross: reason.

One Word from the Devil's Dictionary

Article publié par Le Mesturet le 24/08/2011 à 14:14
Catégories : The Devil's Dictionary
Tags : Experience

EXPERIENCE, n. The wisdom that enables us to recognize as an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already embraced. Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictionary, 1911

Our Thought of the Day

Article publié par Alain Fontaine, the owner le 23/08/2011 à 12:44
Catégories : Our Thought Of the Day
Tags : thought of the day

There is a supreme justice above that of man: the justice of the conscience -- definitive, eternal and omnipresent.

Mesturet anecdotes: Is Camembert Norman-French?

Article publié par Pascal Brot, the Chef le 22/08/2011 à 15:51
Catégories : Mesturet Anecdotes
Tags : camembert

It’s known (or it isn’t!) that Camembert is from Normandy and was invented by Marie Harel between 1789 and 1790. Less is known about the recipe for this internationally famous cheese made in the Ile-de-France region...
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