Chef's recipe: Cheesecake Philadelphia

Article publié par Pascal Brot le 25/11/2011 à 16:48
Catégories : Chef's Recipes
Tags : cheesecake

Cheesecake Philadelphia


400g of Philadelphia cream cheese
180g of sugar (fine granulated or caster sugar)
3 eggs
2 lemons
4.5 sheets of gelatine
0.3 litres of whipping cream + vanilla
400g Speculos (brown sugar buscuits or graham cracker crumbs) + 110g melted butter
Clarify the eggs, place eggs and sugar in a terrine and blanch until you have a mixture with the same consistency as softened butter. Soften the gelatine in cold water, letting it soak for 15 minutes. Whip the cream until it peaks and put aside in refrigerator. Melt the butter and add biscuit crumbs, put aside. Drain all the water from the gelatine, melt for 30 seconds in the microwave and add to the egg-sugar mixture. Take a 24cm ring mould, place on a totally flat plate; scatter the butter and biscuit crumb mixture evenly over the bottom. Pat down firmly until evenly flat and put aside in refrigerator. Mix the whipped cream, eggs and Philadelphia cream cheese. Add the 2 lemons juice and vanilla and mould this mixture into the ring mould on top of the biscuit crumbs. Smooth the top of the mould with a metal spatula and place in refrigerator for a minimum of 12 hours. Remove from mould with the help of a thin knife dipped in hot water. Serve this dessert with a red fruit or strawberry coulis. Bon appétit!
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